Did Vikings play chess

Did Vikings play chess

The game of chess is thought to have originated in India, before spreading to China and eventually Europe. There is no record of chess being played in Scandinavia during the Viking Age, however this does not mean that Vikings did not play the game. It is possible that chess was simply not well-documented during this … Read more

Why are Vikings called Vikings

Why are Vikings called Vikings

The term “viking” was first used in English in the late 12th century. It was originally spelled “vyking”, but the spelling was later changed to “viking”. The term “Viking” is thought to come from the Old Norse word “víkingr,” which means “pirate.” The Vikings were known for their raids on coastal towns, so it makes … Read more

Why did Vikings raid monasteries

Why did Vikings raid monasteries

There are many reasons why Vikings may have raided monasteries. One reason is that Vikings were looking for valuables such as gold and silver. Monasteries often had large amounts of these precious metals, making them a tempting target for Viking raiders. Another reason is that monasteries were often isolated, making them easy targets for surprise … Read more

What did Vikings call themselves

What did Vikings call themselves

The word “Viking” is derived from the Old Norse víkingr, meaning “pirate, raider”. The Vikings were known as Ascomanni (“ashmen”) by the Germans for the ash wood of their boats, Dubgail and Finngail by the Irish, Dene by the Anglo-Saxons. The people of Scandinavia themselves tended to use other terms when referring to themselves and … Read more