Viking religion today

Viking religion today is a lot different than it was back in the day. For one, there are now many more sects and branches of Viking religion than there were before. This is due in large part to the fact that Christianity began to take hold in Scandinavia during the Viking Age, and as a result, many Vikings converted to Christianity. Today, however, there are still many people who practice Viking religion without having converted to Christianity.

In addition to there being more sects and branches of Viking religion today, the way in which people practice Viking religion has also changed. For example, while some people still choose to worship the old Norse gods in traditional ways, others have modernized their practice by incorporating elements of Christianity or other faiths into their own personal beliefs. And still others have created entirely new forms of Viking religion that are not based on any existing faith tradition.

whatever way they choose to worship, one thing remains clear: Vikings are a religious people, and their religion is an important part of their identity.

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