Modern day Viking religion

In the past, Viking religion was polytheistic and focused on the pantheon of Norse gods. Today, however, many people who identify as Vikings are instead devotees of Asatru, a modern Pagan religion that honors the old Norse gods.

Asatru is a decentralized religion with no central authority or hierarchy. Its followers instead focus on local groups and communities, which are often called hearths. Each hearth is independent, but there is still a sense of shared values and beliefs among Asatruar across the world.

The core tenets of Asatru are based on the Nine Noble Virtues: courage, truth, honor, fidelity, discipline, hospitality, industriousness, self-reliance, and perseverance. These virtues are meant to guide both individuals and communities in their daily lives.

Asatru also has a strong emphasis on environmental stewardship. Many adherents believe that it is our responsibility to protect and care for Mother Earth, as she provides for us. This belief often leads to Asatruar being active in causes such as animal rights and conservationism.

If you’re interested in learning more about Asatru or connecting with other followers of this religion, there are many resources available online and in most major cities.

The modern day Viking religion is a fascinating blend of the old Norse pagan beliefs and the Christian faith. While there are still many followers of the traditional Norse paganism, there has been a growing trend in recent years for people to adopt a more syncretic approach to their faith, incorporating elements of both Christianity and Norse paganism into their belief system.

This can be seen in the way that many modern Vikings celebrate both Christmas and Easter, as well as the traditional pagan festivals of Yule and Ostara. Many people also choose to get tattoos of Viking symbols, such as the runes or Thor’s hammer, which have both Pagan and Christian meanings.

There are a variety of different ways in which people follow the modern Viking religion, and it is ultimately up to each individual to decide how they want to express their beliefs. Whether you choose to follow the Old Ways or incorporate elements of Christianity into your belief system, you can still be a proud Viking!

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